Religion is the most powerful force on earth. Despite the claims of many to the contrary, everyone on earth is religious.
Religion is the adherence to a set of beliefs that regulatethe moral, social, and ritualistic behavior of the individual.
This means religion includes the so-called atheist, secularist, communist, socialist, humanist or agnostic, for they all adhere to a belief system of some kind, even if it is the belief that there is no providential component in creation or life as we know it, or a belief in the power of the human as the supreme measure of truth and right.
Virtually every major problem in history and in our contemporary world can be traced to some religious foundation.
Religion has motivated the massacre of millions over the years in such horrific
events as the Crusades, the Inquisition, and wars related to the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter reformation.
Slavery, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, segregation, racial discrimination, and other oppressive practices all have been justified by some religious code or system.
Even the opening years of this centry commenced with definitive acts of
religious terrorism. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 sent shock waves through the global nervous system of mankind and continues today to fuel the fires of conflict, hatred, fear, and murder
throughout the world.
How ironic it is that religion, the very thing
that by its nature is supposed to provide the solution to mankind’s problems and provide hope and faith for life, has itself created more problems throughout history than it has solved.
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