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The world needs the Gifts and Skills that only you have


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Your life has the potential to fulfill your purpose. If, however, you imprison that potential, you rob your life of its purpose and fulfillment. 

You and every other individual on this planet possess an awesome treasure. Too much of this treasure is buried every day, untapped and untouched, in the cemeteries of our world. 

Much talent, skill and creativity have been lost to the world for want of a little courage. Many obscure men and women enter eternity pregnant with potential, with a still-born purpose. Living with ability brings responsibility. Dying with ability reveals irresponsibility.

Everything in creation was designed to function on the simple principle of receiving and releasing. Life depends on this principle. 

What if the plants refused to release the oxygen they possess or if we human beings refused to release the carbon dioxide we produce? 

The result would be chaos and death for the entire planet. Unshared potentials is not only useless, it is dangerous—both for the person or thing who failed to release it and for everything that lives with them. Dormant potential is not healthy, advantageous, safe or effective. 

You must understand that your valuable deposit of potential was given to enrich the lives of others. When potential is kept, it self-destructs.

The tremendous potential you have been given is locked inside us, waiting for demands to be made on it. We have a responsibility to use what we have than the one our creator stored in us for the good of the world. We dare not leave this planet with it. 

Many of us are aware of the ability we have inside, but we have been frustrated by our failure to release that ability. 

Some of us blame our historical circumstances. Others blame social status. Still others transfer the responsibility for their failure and frustration to their lack of formal education or their less than ideal opportunities.

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Over the years, we have come to realize that no excuse can be given to justify the destruction of the seed of potential that God placed within you. 

You can become the man or woman you were born to be. You can accomplish the vision you saw. You can build that business you planned. You can develop that school you imagine. You are the only one who can stop you. 

No matter what your environment, you have the ability to change your attitude and your internal environment until they are conducive to the germination of your potential seed. 

The purpose of this material is to help you understand and appropriate the principles necessary for sharing Your Potentials. You must not add to the wealth of the graveyard. You owe it to the next generation to live courageously so the treasure of your potential is unleashed. The world needs what’s deposited in you for the benefit of your contemporaries and all the generations to follow.

Start deploying your potentials today, even now!

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