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Showing posts from November, 2023

Maximizing a small income

Many times we find it hard to maximize mini income: small salary, commission etc. But growing a small income involves a combination of budgeting, saving, and exploring additional income streams.  In my opinion, these could help: Start by creating a budget to track expenses and identify areas to cut back.  Save consistently, even if it's a small amount.  Look for ways to increase your skills or explore side gigs to supplement your income.  Consider investing in your education or learning new skills that could lead to higher-paying opportunities.  Networking and seeking mentorship can also open doors to new possibilities. With these you should be able to maximize a small income.

Carbalnocracy vs Lootocracy

Carbalnocracy is a system of government where carbals and their allies hijacked and manage everything that matters within a sovereign country. Carbalnocrats use every means to frustrate oppositions and never care to pay attention to the needs of the people that voted them into offices. Carbals also practice Lootocracy: a system where  public office holders make voluntary efforts to loot public treasuries with insatiable appetites without fear,  and anti-graft institutions responsible to punish criminals were bought, and are weaken at best  to check their crime tendencies and actions. Carbalnocracy and Lootocracy have been practiced in Nigeria and other African countries for many decades till now.  However, many are hoping, unforseen instruments of revolution may chance to drum battle hymn of war, to revolt against tyranny, to overthrow the imposed-carbals, leading to the persecution of the nobility: a rebel to reform the system. New nations would emerge and proud to proclaim their eman

A conversation with my mind

Today I spent less than an hour pondering and having conversations with my mind: about the worsening economic situations in the emerging world. In a sad mood, my mind was like a river, amber-tinted in the shadow of it's bank Our conversation was around some changing fortines, as Lives in the emerging markets have gone bananas. People now  live in abyss of hopeless.  Run-away inflation is speeding. Poverty is on rapid climb. Politicians are lying machines. They promised their people heavens on earth. They gave them moonshines. But many have failed to accomplish their promised accomplishments.  Their subjects are disgruntled, disheveled and disillusioned. Many, many have died and their bones are crying their graves. Politicians, especially in the poorer world frame policies that chase proteins away from meals,  and other nutrients have vamoused from family menu. They are curled attrocious cobras: gentle without but dubious within. Their typical households never complete without a hos

Things that keep you unfree

Excessive holiness and self-claim righteousness inspired by religious truth-claims Age-lomg beliefs constructed socially and languages by culture. Approval-seeking, because you like to look like or behave the way other people like you do. Fear of what may chance, and Worry aboutq what may happen tomorrow. If you can let go of all of these useless factors and emotions, you will enjoy more peace living on planet earth before you die. Because you surely die!

Decisions are influenced by experiences and tensions

Every human being make decisions. But all decisions are made by experiences and tensions of urgency. In the temperate regions, people wear sweaters because of cold. A rice farmer in my local villa quickly harvested his rice recently because his daughter's tuition was over due and must be paid before writing exams The governor of the state of Benue bought 100 18-seater buses for the citizens to ply at lower T-fair because he found with empathy that the increase in fuel price was causing untold hassles. The fall of Kabul in 2021 was influenced by several factors, including the rapid withdrawal of U.S. and NATO forces, the Afghan government's weak military capabilities, political corruption, and the Taliban's effective military strategy and territorial gains.  The combination of these elements contributed to the swift collapse of the Afghan government and the Taliban's takeover of the capital. However, Ashraf Ghani quickly ran of the office,  fled for safety  because Talib

Before you preach on fornication read this

The Holier than thous and the preachers of the gospel of critics are abound. They have told us to never appreciate the beauty of a woman, that looking at a woman lostfuly is a sin. But we covet or wish to get those: Beautiful Cars Well designed Phones Elegant houses and wedding gowns Even some of the suits the preacher wore to the altar to preach sermons were Italian - well designed. These were fine. These were not sin. But when we look at a beautiful woman that is eyeful and appreciate the fact that she was cute and lovely, we have become sinners. The Talib and some extremists might even wish to unplug your eyes so it doesn't exist to commit same sin further. These bigots and preachers had forgotten that our eyes were made to see, behold and appreciate. The ears hear and listens. So the sexual organs urinate and have sex. Nothing more. Nothing less. I think if an effort is made to abuse or alter some purposes the result is frustrion.

Thinking 101 has these lessons in stock for you

There 15 valuable lessons Woo-Kyoung presented in his book:  "Thinking 101: How to Reason Better to Live Better". Scroll down slowly to read and grab the points he  powdered. 1. Understand the cognitive traps that can lead to poor decisions. Ahn identifies several cognitive traps that can lead to poor decision-making, such as confirmation bias, sunk cost fallacy, and the planning fallacy. By understanding these traps, we can avoid falling prey to them. 2. Develop a healthy skepticism. Questioning information and assumptions is essential for critical thinking. Don't be afraid to doubt what you hear or read, and always seek out multiple sources of information. 3. Embrace uncertainty. The world is a complex and uncertain place, and we don't always have all the answers. Embrace uncertainty and be comfortable with not knowing everything. 4. Think probabilistically. Probability is a powerful tool for understanding the world around us. Learn to think about risks and rewards

Should a blogger blogs on a single topic?

Some people think blog posts would focus on a niche-topic. I may not be rigght but my option is NO. A blog is known to a a regularly updated website or online platform where persons or  individuals or groups share their thoughts, information, and experiences in a conversational style.  Blog posts are usually displayed in reverse chronological order, with the newest content appearing first, but the content mustn't be niche-concentration.  Blogs cover a wide range of topics, including personal experiences, hobbies, news, and professional expertise. Whether a blogger should focus on a simple topic depends on their goals and target audience. Simple topics can be effective if they resonate with a broad audience and are presented in an engaging way.  However, niche or specialized topics can also attract a dedicated audience. Ultimately, it's essential for a blogger to choose a topic they are passionate about and can consistently create quality content for. The key is to provide value

Business Kinetizing

If you were in a physics class, a draw bowl and arrow could be used as an example of potential energy. When the arrow is sprang into action, the energy goes kinetic. This analogy helps us to see that every business possesses some potential energies that if brought to live could create further wealth: 1. An existing high school could rent out the premises to Professional education operators for weekend learning. 2.  Lotto brand owners could sign up agents ready to operate under flower trees at neighborhood. 3. Car boots could be used to display few samples wears for passersby to see and buy 3. A fastfood restaurant could create school feeding program offering breakfast and lunches for kids. Kinetizing is about leveraging a business potentials. Kinetizing made Microsoft, Intel, Google and others billionaires.

Mataphors and what we buy

Metaphors are infinite, just like our imaginations. Human beings think, recognize, assess, evaluate and buy in terms of metaphors. We buy AMATEM because we believe it HITS malaria die. We premium for a house in a developing zone because because marketer told us it's a NEW ESTATE. Pampers diapers sell a lot because mothers believe it helps their babies with DRY NIGHT A friend told me he check in a hotel last weekend because someone said the guest room is GOOD and CHEAP Gino PARTY JOLLOF tomatoes paste sells crazy because neighborhood celebrates parties often. Which metaphor is in your brain?  Go make one!

Our fleshy imagination

We are able with imaginative flesh: To create and make To build and establish To design To paint To sell To acquire To rearrange and manipulate .... an uneding number of elements - perceptions of the nature or the universe - but only after they've been perceived by us through a distorted, filtering intelligence that pre-alters reality.

No one is lazy

Laziness is about our mind. Laziness only exists when our mind is not zealous, or when the mind is seriously unserious about the thing someone outside us think we should do or should have done. When mind becomes program and get zealous towards an objective, no amount of barrier would be strong enough to break or triumph order to reach such objective. Check a man you think was lazy. Check his interest and unmindfulness in pursuing the goal, or his less zeal to get the job down. Laziness is about the construction of our minds!

Be extra careful in your response to social media updates

The rise of social media has made hoaxes ubiquitous. A hoax is a deceptive or misleading act or statement created to deceive, trick, or mislead people into believing something false or fictitious. Hoaxes can take various forms, such as false rumors, fake news, fabricated stories, or practical jokes intended to create confusion or stir up emotions.  They are often spread through various mediums, including the internet, social media, or traditional media outlets. Hoaxes are typically designed to achieve a specific purpose, such as causing panic, gaining attention, or promoting a particular agenda. It's essential to be critical and verify information to avoid falling for hoaxes, especially on social media.

Capitalism and AI is making us less human

Humanity is our collective human race or the qualities and attributes that make humans distinct. These qualities include our compassion, empathy, and the capacity for reason and cooperate.  It also encompasses our shared experiences, our values, and the way we interact with one another and the world around us. While AI reduces our abilities to think deeper to create, Capitalism made us sell breath by offering oxygen services through healthcare systems.

Skill vs Relationship

Getting a new low-level job requires some skills as an unction  to functions. But climbing to a position of a minister, a director, a CEO etc requires relationship. Skills are important, but good relationship with people in authorities matters better.