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Showing posts with the label Realpolitik

Peace talk is needed now to avoid planetary crisis from the Russian-Ukraine war

 This is because Moscow is not willing to give up the war. And if Russia continues to unleash further threats, NATO may join the war at full scale. If NATO joins, the Russian aggression will be badly weaken and that will prompt Putin to use chemical weapons. And Russian allies like Iran, China and North Korea will likely join to fight as well.  The result will be planetary destruction - the third world war. Classical realists and neorealists alike view international politics as a jungle whereby each state is subject to the “omnipresent threat of war”. International relations between states are unlike domestic politics because a central authority with a monopoly on the legitimate use of force does not exist internationally to regulate the actions of aggressive or power-seeking states. This system is anarchic; war is a symptom of anarchy. The constant possibility of war in an anarchic system requires states to follow realpolitik: “to be self-interested, prepare for war and...