How is human perspectives formed?
Our perspectives has a relative bearing between individual experiences and the larger society we live in. How?
If you live in Germany, you don't keep water running while brushing teeth. This believe was created of conservation consciousness
Theological history also helps us to understand that if anything happens in Rome be it famine, social havoc or epidemic, Nero could blame it on people converting to believe in Jesus Christ.
In sociological theory, Functionalist, Emile Durkheim believes in organismic analogy of society may be because, Durkheim had some experiences in relating with creatures.
In the eastern world, Russian and Ukrainians wear thick sweaters to cover their bodies, primarily because of cold. But most of them do so because they see other people wearing them.
Developing understanding of diversity and tolerance for people who are different from us is important for our personal, social, and Economic well-being.
Because social facts are patterned ways of acting, thinking and feeling that exist outside anyone individual, but that exert social control over each person, you should include in your thinking that the perspectives (or point of views) of other people are quite dissimilar because of their experiences.
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