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Showing posts with the label Artificial intelligence and our minds

A new existential threat

Today i sat quietly at the front lf my neighbourhood, receiving natural air to roll-back the spectre of the warming planet. As I sit down, for a while, I later moved in and got myself surrounded by machines and the glow of their screens. The i began to think about the rise of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) that has brought about a revolution in efficiency and productivity, but it also raises important questions in my mind about our role in the world we live now. Some people argue that we must embrace AI and let it do the thinking for us. They say that AI can process information faster and more accurately than humans, and that we should focus on more "creative" pursuits. But I fear that this approach would be a mistake. While AI is incredibly powerful, it is not a replacement for human thought and judgment. Machines lack the nuance, empathy, and critical thinking skills that are essential for making decisions that affect our lives and our world. Moreover, if we rely too heav