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Showing posts from August, 2023

The Sumbanese marital morality

The idea marriage among the Sumbanese of Indonesia is for a woman to marry her father's sister's son, for man to marry his mother's brother's daughter. These cousin marriages are arranged by elders and thought to be very important to be left up to individual's choice. This is so because it was it's believe to create alliances between clans which are further reinforced through ceremonies involving in an eleborate exchange of values such as gold, pigs, ivory and horses. This may not a lot of sense to you, but for the Sumbanese, this is simply the right thing to do.

Cultural Assets

Your cultural knowlege of "who" and "what" you know matters. Because they form your cultural assets Who you know and What you know and how you know how to utilize them generates your Economic assets.  This includes your ability  to interact and make friends, know of markets to serve, skills in talking with right words, in right accents about the right things; and reference to books, movies, musics and ultimately the way human do things. Moreso, who you know is social asset too. Who you know plays a stronger role on the course of your lifetime in how much you own too.  This works because politicians recruit majorly, their associates and allies to support them in Administration. However, what is okay for one person may not be so for another. If you want to be an affluent urban intellectual hipster, the cultural assets you need to accumulate must be different, from the person pursing acceptance in a noisy event. 

Never spend your time on useless things

We should learn to think about things that consume a lot of our time. This is important because life on earth is too short to be wasted on useless things. If you are to live 1000 years on earth, it will still pass, and you will die and leave the world. Theological records helps to learn that some people lived 500 years. But we can't find any of them any longer. Don't waste your time on things that has less value or things that don't count. Instead, spend your precious time doing what is valuable to you, and may be of importance to other people you care to serve.

Origin of perspectives

How is human perspectives formed? Our perspectives has a relative bearing between individual experiences and the larger society we live in. How? If you live in Germany, you don't keep water running while brushing teeth. This believe was created of conservation consciousness  Theological history also helps us to understand that if anything happens in Rome be it famine, social havoc or epidemic, Nero could blame it on people converting to believe in Jesus Christ. In sociological theory, Functionalist, Emile Durkheim believes in organismic analogy of society may be because, Durkheim had some experiences in relating with creatures. In the eastern world, Russian and Ukrainians wear thick sweaters to cover their bodies, primarily because of cold. But most of them do so because they see other people wearing them. Developing understanding of diversity and tolerance for people who are different from us is important for our personal, social, and Economic well-being. Because social facts are ...

Concepts are creations of the languages we speak

A man's word is peripheral to his comprehensive of reality. Man's understanding of reality emerges from social use of verbal signs. Words are not vocal labels which have come to attach to things and qualities already given in advance by nature, or ideas already grasped independently by human mind.  On the contrary, languages themselves, collective product of social interaction, supply the essential conceptual framework for human analysis of reality, and simultaneously, the verbal equipment our description of it The concepts we use day in day out are creations of the languages we speak.

Here is how we should think

Everyday we should grow up, even though we are not growing further. Think less about yourself but more about how you can be useful to other people. And if we you have been useful, think further about how you can be MORE USEFUL. See your achievements only on the goals you help someone to reach, the needs of others you have helped to meet, the desires and dreams of people you will support to actualize. You will earn more fulfilment doing just that. 

Must a President possess a university or college degree?

Does a university Education make a better president? It works well for some leaders.  Some people see it a necessity. Others look for constitution amendment to allow a high school certificate holder be enthroned in the office of presidency  Some say over Education has  become a problem. Excessive knowing piles up biases in the mind of some leaders.  Over Education results in over knowledge, of the opponents, of what a leader think it's not good for his believers but beautiful to other persons that adhere to his opposing dogma and worldviewà. Because politics operates by biased-moral values, it's hard to tell whether it's Education that made leaders transform communities or their mindsets about ideal world they choose to construct.

Counterfactual Thinking

We feel less sympathy for a victim of a robbery that failed to follow a normal route to work, left work later or earlier than normal. We also think if  our daughter had studied harder or attended class more often she could have scored higher grades. Or if the striker in our football team had put more effort, we could have scored more goals. Or if the our political leaders had proposed some better policies, our livelihood could have been better. These kind of thoughts occur in our mind all the time. Counterfactual thinking is a cognitive process in which individuals imagine alternative outcomes or scenarios that might have occurred if they had made different choices or if events had unfolded differently in the past.  It involves mentally "playing out" different scenarios to explore how changing one's actions or circumstances might have led to different results.  Counterfactual thinking can be a natural way to reflect on past experiences and learn from them, but it can also...

Identifying Market value opportunities

How can you or a company uncover new value opportunities? Finding new value opportunities requires deep insight about the relationships among three spaces? 1. The market cognitive space:  This reflects existing ad latent needs such the need for safety, freedom, participation and even change  2. The organizational competency space: This describes in terms of breath vs focused scope of business, depth which is physical vs knowledge scope of business 3.The partners resources space: This may include opportunities for horizontal and vertical partnership. While the horizontal collaboration could help exploit related market opportunities; the vertical partnership (or outsourcing) could help firm in the process of value creation.

Two causes of suffering

Why do most people suffer amidst plenty on earth. 1. Most people are ignorance of principles. They were not taught to become aware about how principles work. 2. Most people hate to practice principles.  Some people are aware of a principle that work always but won't be willing to act that way. Some have made up their minds to reject truth because of their belief systems. Putting finger in a burning fire is dangerous and risky. Fire doesn't recognize ethnic origin or colour of  your skin. It burns. Drinking dirty water brings malaria, thyphoid, diarrhea or cholera Not praying at all results in disconnection from your creator. Utimately, if you give money, your precious time, your efforts or any substance as a precious seed in your place of worship,  you will be blessed more abundantly. If you can take God as your ultimate creator, and sow a seed to support His works on earth, you shall be rewarded. It works. And it works always.  The problem is so many people won't wi...

Basil Ganglia and Habit Formation

 Habit is the compromise between being completely controlled by our instinct and being completely free to make intentional decisions about whatever we want to do. It is the trade-off we have made between instinct and reason in order to maintain speed and efficiency.  Though we have become more and more adept at making complex decisions, it would be too slow and inefficient to have to make decisions about every single thing we ever did on a day-to-day basis.  To improve speed and efficiency for example, our brains developed the ability to do our most repetitive routines without making any decisions at all. We could do them by habit. Habit formation works by passing control over the most routine behaviors to the more primitive basal ganglia.  As we do a routine over and over again our brain can determine what prompts the routine to begin ("the cue") and what prompts it to end ("the reward") and creates a "chunk" of automatic behavior.  Brushing your teeth is...

Gender differences in strength are largely cultural

 French Naval Officer, Georges Hebert traveled the world and noticed that he found the fittest and most capable people in the most remote French colonies.  Of the indigenous people of Africa and the mountain tribes of Vietnam, he famously noted that "Their bodies were splendid, flexible, nimble, skillful, enduring, resistant, and yet they had no other tutor in Gymnastics but their lives in Nature."  He found strong, fit women in such places that assured him that gendered differences in strength were largely cultural. For further research and deep thinking in sociology and anthropology, go to the Ransford Global College online

Emotionals are signals

 At the center of both Buddhist and Stoic practice is recognizing that emotions are simply signals that can be observed and acted upon, but are not "good" or "bad" in themselves.   Such emotions can be observed, which disempowers them, allowing an inner calm to develop.    Freed from emotional reasoning, a person is more capable of living virtuously even in the face of complexity, conflict, and turmoil.

Culture made us all

  People are different. These differences represent the vast range of human potential and possibility. Our assumptions, beliefs, values, ideas, ideals – even our abilities – are largely a product of our culture.   We can respond to such differences with hate or ignorance, or we can choose to open up to them and ask questions we have never considered before.   It is not easy to see our assumptions. Our most basic assumptions are embedded in the basic elements of our everyday lives (our language, our routines and habits, our technologies). We create our tools and then our tools create us. Most of what we take as "reality" is a cultural construction ("realized through our unseen, unexamined assumptions of what is right, true, or possible.)  We fail to examine our assumptions not just because they are hard to see, but also because they are safe and comfortable.  They allow us to live with the flattering illusion that "I am the center of the universe, and w...

The Integration of Culture

 Cultures are not haphazard collections of customs and beliefs. Cultures are integrated, patterned systems.  If one part of the system (e.g., the economy) changes, other parts change as well. For example, years ago, most women planned domestic careers as homemakers and mothers.  Most of today’s college women, by contrast, expect to get paid jobs when they graduate. Economic changes have social repercussions.  Attitudes and behavior about marriage, family, and children have changed. Late marriage, “living together,” and divorce have become commonplace.  Work competes with marriage and family responsibilities and reduces the time available to invest in child care.

You can own a house with a little budget

Considering to own a house but don't have a deep pocket? A simple house like this one is an alternative.  It might fit your pocket, especially when you are not considering to spend much.  You can save (extended time) to build one in your locality. 

Look to see.

The Internet globallization has intensified social and object relations across the world space. This intensification has created new opportunities and more challenges. With this trend, which project can you build? A Better Payment system A better online learning platform A better food ordering website A better online legal advisory website A better online store etc. Look to see. They are numerous opportunities! However, you can also join us at the Ransford Business School Online for further insights

Educational grades and scores were the most wrong things invented by man on this earth

Scoring a C in mathematics doesn't measure your intelligence So coming out of the University with the THIRD CLASS too. Most Governments have reduced us to mere social security numbers....that we nothing... Human intelligence is higher that educational grading. The personality of man bigger than a National Identity number. The most dullest man you think knows how to make meal; can wake up and brush his teeth; go out and come back home successfully, most times without the Google navigation system. So how was he dull? We need to rethink the entity called human before we grade them

Religion is the greatest divider and destroyer of humanity

All religions are the same in the sense that they attempt to answer the questions of power and meaning.  They all promise power to control life and circumstances and to explain life and death.  They all claim to have the truth. They all claim superiority over each other. They all compare and compete with each other. They all demand adherence to their particular belief system while denying the others.  They all are motivated by contention and usually thrive in an isolated culture that excludes other segments of humanity.  In fact, all religions seem to glory in a spirit of segregation and separatism.  Rather than uniting humanity with common power and knowledge of purpose, religion has proven itself instead to be the great divider and destroyer of mankind.

Tame your Belief, Religion and Systems:

Religion is the most powerful force on earth. Despite the claims of many to the contrary, everyone on earth is religious. Religion is the adherence to a set of beliefs that regulatethe moral, social, and ritualistic behavior of the individual.  This means religion includes the so-called atheist, secularist, communist, socialist, humanist or agnostic, for they all adhere to a belief system of some kind, even if it is the belief that there is no providential component in creation or life as we know it, or a belief in the power of the human as the supreme measure of truth and right.  Virtually every major problem in history and in our contemporary world can be traced to some religious foundation.  Religion has motivated the massacre of millions over the years in such horrific events as the Crusades, the Inquisition, and wars related to the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter reformation.  Slavery, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, segregation, racial discriminati...

Military Government Achievements exceeds Democratic dividends in Nigeria

Millitary Created Yobe state,  Crreated Katsina state, Created Taraba state, Created  Jigawa state,  Created Kebbi state Created Enugu state, Created Edo state, Created Delta state, Created Osun state. Created Akwa Ibom state, Created Federal Road Safety Corps  Created State Security Service (SSS), Created National Intelligence Agency (NIA), Created Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA). Built Asorock Villa Built the Third Mainland Bridge , the largest bridge on the continent of Africa.  Completed the Shiroro Hydroelectric Power Station .  Constructed Toja Bridge in Kebbi,  Created the Jibia Water Treatment Plant, Built Challawa Cenga Dam in Kano.  Built Kano - Abuja Dual Carriageway  FCT, Abuja Other achievements of the Nigeria military administration include: 1. ECOWAS Hdqtrs Secretariat Abuja 2. International Conference Centre Abuja 3. FHA Estates Nationwide 4. High Court Bldgs in the States 5. Fed Secretariat in 36States/Abuja 6. Political Pa...

Not the devil but human decisions

Human beings created enemity, not devil. The greatest threat to human society is mankind, not the devil.  Human beings build buildings and and construct weapons to destroy by war, anger and hate. Internet is the best thing that happened to connect and unit all of us. But we use the internet to scam, to lie, to cheat and scare other people we ought to attract. Everyday tells some sad stories of: Blood shared,  Death,  Diplomacy, Conflict, Hatred,  Fear,  Poverty Starvation Rape Genocide Refugees Forced Human migration Natural disasters Daily bombings  Economic uncertainty, immigration by desperate journey, Corporate corruption Moral decay, Sexual revolution, and of clash of clash between civilizations  All of these testify to the undeniable fact that human beings are the ones worst enemylies destroying the world. If we can only tame our minds from certain decisions, we might experience better world.

Should we hate?

I don't think it's necessary! Culture teaches us to hate those: who don't believe what we believe Who don't worship what we worship Who don't love what we love And who don't belong to our party or group This is madness. When we do that, we have denied the humanity we ought to love like ourselves!

Become a vigilant organization

Professor George S. Day of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania sees market-driven organizations as excelling in three distinctive capabilities: 1. The capabilities of market-sensing 2. The competency of customer linking 3. The skill in channel bonding. In terms of Market sensing, the professor believes that tremendous opportunities and threats often begin as "weak signals" from periphery of a business.  George offers systematic process (as an advice to organizations) for developing peripheral vision attuned to changes in the environment. Get details at the: Ransford Business School Online 

Core capabilities and distinctive competencies

Normally, most companies owned and control most of the resources that enter their businesses. These include human resources, materials, machines, information and energy. But these have change significantly. Many companies now out-source less critical resources if they can get higher quality or lower cost. India has developed reputation as country that can provide ample outsourcing support. Nowadays th key is to own and nurture the resources and competencies that make up the essence of the company business. Nike, for example does not manufacture most of its shoes, because a certain Asian manufacturer is more competent in this task. What Nike does instead is to nuture  its core capabilities: superiority in shoe design and merchandising. A core capability has two features: 1. It makes significant contribution to customer value. 2. Competitors sometimes find it to imitate  Competitive advantage is enjoyed most from when a company possesses distinctive capabilities Core capabilitie...

Oral Roberts principle

Oral Roberts was a great man, and indeed a man of God. He believes in addressing difficulties with Seed principle.  When he is facing a difficult challenge, he will pick a small amount of money or substance and attach his faith to it and give it as seed-offering in his place of worship. Then hs asks God to help him get off the crisis, remove the pains, or get the problem solved. Oral says, he often received solutions or see a way through new ideas each time he acts this way. This looks religious but it works!  Try it!

Selling vs Marketing

Sellers believe that consumers and businesses, if left alone won't buy enough of what is was made out of factory. Therefore organizations must go aggressive in persuading people to buy In this thinking, the former Coca cola vice president, Sergio Zyman had posited that Marketing should sell more stuff to more people, more often for more money in order to make more profit. Marketing on the other hand is work of helping people reach their goals and dreams. It is work of sensing into the problems of other people we have desire to serve, and helping them get what they have wanted or dreamt of. Marketing expert, Seth Godin calls it a work of change. Seth asserts that marketers make change happen....making a stuff is never make impact unless you change someone.. Seth was right because barbers change us to look better. So the commercial drivers move us from point A to point B. And that is change too. Learn more at Ransford Global Enterprises College  Or better,  G...

Marketing works by Assertion

Marketers tell stories that matter. Even more, great marketers make assertions and present to the people they have sought to serve. Great marketers always search for minds that believe a certain thing, that are seeking a problem to solve; that are seeking something they desire; behave favourably towards something they value or act in a certain way towards things that matter to them. Now Let's take a look at few examples: For busy executives who like to stay organized, Palm Pilot is an electronic organizer for backing up files on PC more easily. For consumers who desire to treat their pimples and acnes, Eva herbal soap is a bathing soap that helps in skin-healing, removal or pimples, acnes and spots....With Eva Help soap, you will have healthier skin . For consumers that seeking fairer skin, Coco-pulp is a range of lightning care enriched with coco oil. Coco-pulp clarifies and lightens skins by ersing spots and preventing apparition. With Coco-pulp, your complexion will be more cle...

Nigerien Coup and Decision Trade-off

Some weeks ago, the country Niger experienced a sudden change, change inspired by military coup that put the do-nothing Democratic president in house arrest too the time of writing this blog. Ecowas in response have issued a treat of using force to oust the military, if he refuses (going forward) to return the Nigerien political to democratic Governance. In my opinion the ECOWAS leaders should have weight several options with opportunity cost before making the declaration above, without groupthink or selfish ambition. 1. At least, almost 95% of the Nigerien were in support of the coup, because the former administration failed to prove that democracy was worth embracing the country. 2. If  ECOWAS happens to use military without patient deplomacy, forces in other countries allied to Niger will respond with speed. And the result will be war that won't end so soon. 3. Several Nigeriens are abound in most of the African countries, including the Hausa and Fulanis in the Northern Nigeria....

Mini MBA in Strategic Brand Management at Ransford Global Enterprises College

At the heart of any product that succeeds successfully in the marketplace, earning loyalty of consumers, lies a great brand that was planned with extra-care, good commitment, design and marketing execution. A strong brand attracts consumer spending like perfume scents. Consider P&G, one of the word's leading marketer of consumer packaged goods. Procter and Gamble scope and accomplishmentS have been amazing.  Google, Facebook, TikTok and many others too have created widgets that matter to consumers both online. In this course, we expose the students to the art of: 1. Gathering consumer knowledge and cultural values 3. Turning insights to products and services that matter 4. Brand design  5. Crafting brand position in the age of abundance 6. Strategically adapting brands to global spaces The program is delivered online via zoom and Google meet.... Duration 3-Month Starting date First week of every month Click here to book a space

Revisiting the Value Chain

The Harvard's Michael Porter sometimes ago, proposed the concept of Value Chain as a tool for identifying ways to create more value for customers. This model says, every firm is a synthesis of activities perform to design, to produce, to market, to deliver and to support it's product.  The value identifies nine stratecally relevant activities - five primary and four support activities - that create value and cost in specific business. The primary activities are inbound logistics that helps in bringing materials into the business: operations or converting them into finished products. Outbound logistics on the other hand focuses on shipping out  final products, selling and servicng them. The support activities entails procurement, technology development, human resources management and the firm infrastructure which handled by specialized departments. These may include planning, financing, accounting, legal etc. A firm must examine its costs and performance in each value-creating ...


The Ransford Global Enterprises College online is now offering enrollment for candidates who may be interested in Diploma in Global Studies. Students are prepared as ethical, civically engaged citizens and members of a global community and workforce that increasingly demands an understanding of the complex, diverse, dynamic, and interconnected nature of today's world. You will study in underlisted modules: 1. The nature of Globalization 2. Basics of international Relations 3. International Relations Theories 4. Essentials of Anthropology 5. Cultural Analysis of Consumers 6. Practical Diplomacy  Course fee:  Check the enrollment form  Duration:  3 Months Starting date:  4th September, 2023 . Delivery method: Study guides  One face to face class  on Zoom per week Click here to join

Things that prompt prayer points in Nigeria and the rest of African countries

Electricity bill (light never supplied but must be paid for), tuition fees, house rent, landlord wahala, trip to their villages, marriage, headaches and stomachaches, new jobs, pregnancy delivery, good Governance etc.  Most these problems were never created by the devil, but living human beings that make decisions everyday. Churches and mosques have tried to address some of them but angels never hold anyone accountable, even for once.

Globalization: Beyond market and commerce

The term "Globalization" has dominated news headlines and academic books. Globalization  has only become commonplace in the last three decades, and academic commentators who employed the term as late as the 1970s accurately recognized the novelty of doing so.  At least since the advent of industrial capitalism, however, intellectual discourse has been replete with allusions to phenomena strikingly akin to those that have garnered the attention of recent theorists of globalization.  Nineteenth and twentieth-century philosophy, literature, and social commentary include numerous references to an inchoate yet widely shared awareness that experiences of distance and space are inevitably transformed by the emergence of high-speed forms of transportation (for example, rail and air travel) and communication (the telegraph or telephone) that dramatically heighten possibilities for human interaction across existing geographical and political divides.  Long before the introduct...

Develop community concepts

You can't satisfy everyone in the market. You don't have that chance. Not everyone wants the same cereal, hotel and restaurant, automobile, college or movie.  Wal-Mart created stores of community concepts, reflecting communities they are located.  Wal-Mart in Ft. Collins Colorado was designed in western flair. It has two-level art-deco-inspired unit to draw in wealthy African Americans in Baldwin Hills, California. In an effort to cater for the fourth-largest  Amish community, in the middlefield Ohio in US, Walmart offered hitching posts outside for horse and buggies, block ice for refrigerators, and a huge assortment of denim fabric for making work pants. These were designs to reflect the communities the outlets were located. Define your market. Profile your buyers. Think about their dreams and desires. And you will win.

Polygamy and Male Chauvinism

In the late 90s, one of my father's friend had four wives. One day he visited a local market in the state of Benue Nigeria,  and saw a beautiful woman, tall and plumpy to his admiration. He shared his generousity and the woman instantly fell in love.  After a while, he brought the woman home.  The other four wives saw him with the new wife-to-be and disbelieved their eyes, in atmosphere of jealousy.  The unhappy faces of the four wiges cut no ice on him. He took the woman to his room. In authoritative command, he told the four wives that each of them must cook nice meals to entertain the new wife-to-be. And they must do everything to respect her. Non of them could resist because of the culture of  obedience to husbands at the time. The man was a chauvinist, a dominator and a polygamist. But that domination do neither a justice to him, nor the children, till he received a kiss of death at the wake of this 21st century. What he left behind was hatred among the chi...

Watch careful before you get carried away by vogues

Before you get carried away by trends, think again. This house and the Beatle were owned by a richest man in a local community in Africa sometimes ago. Same way Blackberry smartphone was leading. A word is enough for the wise!

This Higher Diploma in Business Management at Ransford could give your career a lift. And it's just in 3-month

The Ransford's Higher Diploma in Business Management is a 3-month online course designed to expose you to advanced  insights for running businesses and align organizations to changing market conditions. Studenta learn to utilize consumer Insights and. Culture to execute business that will achieve market success. The program is in 6 core modules only. One modules in two weeks.  1. Business - what means! 2. Marketing - How it's done to win hearts and minds 3. Management - How make people to gwt the work done 4. Strategies - Different ways to get things done without fighting competition 5. Finance and Accounting- How to source, acquire and manage funds. How to record and keep up date the financial happing of a business  6. Logistics and Supply Chain Management - How to get value into the business and How such value be converted to products and be delivered to various customers in  cost effective ways.  Enrollment is monthly.  August 2023 intake closes on the 1...

Marketing is:

Help a bling to cross a busy road. Make a better photocopier for people who like making photocopies Create a better search engine for people who like searching online. Provide faster vehicles for those rushing to their workplaces. Marking is indeed a generous act of helping others who dreamt of something they value, to reach those goals and dreams. Starbucks help Americans drink better coffee. IKEA created knock-down furniture for those who wanted furniture even at convenient pricing EBAY built online auction site for people to sell used items. One key is to understand consumers, their anthropology of everyday live and filter their feelings to create what they have dreamt of. Ignore the ways of life of the Scammers. They think they will be rich by stealing, by lying and by cheating on others.  Just search to find wants and fill them! Scammers are idiots. Only idiots reason through their anus.  Jettison their characters. They are destroyers of the social system. Live away from ...

How to prompt followers

Offer Human beings something. That tastes great  That Smells nice That they can touch and feel pleasurable on their skins That generates interesting sounds. They could see with vivid colours Ice creams, malts and yogurts are selling because of their great tastes. Check perfumes that smell nice, they have good followers Vitafoam sells alot in Nigeria because of the smoothness and feelings the users enjoy Celin Dion and Adele musics have great sounds that music fanatics love listening to. And they keep listening.... So the sight of a colourful sleek designed phone screens, the Hisense TV, the iphone, Italian suits and the Samsung Galaxy phones. Smell, taste, sight, touch and sounds are the answers to great value we can ever offer to the senses of human we have sought to serve.

Some people think the world is a bad place

Most people think the earth is a hard planet to live in. We have experienced all kinds of chaos, majorly propelled by human actions. But we always forget that decisions made by leaders from households to the public offices influenced so many things we both enjoy and victims of. Petroleum subsidy regime-dismantle, in Nigeria, for example is now making the poor and the middle class wail in abyss of hopelessness. Who created this environment?  The politicians. The humans we elected to man the society for us all. Bad things happen mostly by artificial inputs into the social system.