The greatest secret to living effectively on earth is understanding the principle and power of priorities.
Life on earth holds no greater challenge than the complicating daily demand of choosing among competing alternatives for our limited time.
Our life is the sum total of all the decisions we make every day, and those decisions
are determined by our priorities.
How we use our time every day eventually defines our achievements.
Life was designed to be simple, not complicated, and the key to simplifying life is prioritization.
Identifying the correct and right priority of life is the key to a successful and fulfilled life.
So then, what is the principle and concept
of priority?
Priority is defined as:
✓ The principal thing.
✓ Putting first things first.
✓Establishing the most important thing.
✓Primary focus.
✓Placing in order of importance.
✓Placing highest value and worth upon.
✓First among all others.
Priority refers to the level of importance or urgency assigned to a task, goal, or action.
It helps determine which tasks should be addressed first and which can be addressed later.
Prioritizing tasks is a common practice in time management and decision-making to ensure that the most important and time-sensitive activities are completed efficiently.
Priorities can vary depending on individual goals, organizational needs, and the context in which they are applied.
If our priorities determine the quality of life and dictate all of our actions and behavior, then it is essential that we understand and
identify our priorities.
The greatest tragedy in life is not death but living with the wrong priorities.
Life’s greatest challenge is in knowing what to do. And what to do first in your everyday life.
The greatest mistake in life is to be busy but not effective. And your greatest failure is to be successful in the wrong assignment.
Your success can easily be measured by the effective use of your time.
The key is breakdown complex objectives and start with one. And you do just by simple trade-off.
When your priorities are correct, you preserve and protect your life.
Correct priority is the principle of progress because when you establish your priority according to your purpose and goals then
your progress may be guaranteed.
Correct priority protects your time.
When you set the right priorities, then you use your time for intentional purposes; your time is not abused or wasted.
Correct priority protects your energy, your talents and gifts; your decisions and discipline.
Correct priority simplifies your life.
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