Marriage is a legally and socially recognized union between two people that involves a commitment to share their lives together.
Marriage is a legal contract that provides certain rights and responsibilities to the individuals involved. These can include inheritance rights, tax benefits, and the ability to make medical decisions for each other.
Marriage represents a deep emotional and social commitment between the partners. It signifies a willingness to build a life together, share responsibilities, and support each other emotionally.
Marriage often includes cultural or religious customs and ceremonies that vary widely across different societies and belief systems. These rituals can symbolize the union and may involve vows, celebrations, and traditions.
Marriage is also seen as the formation of a family unit. In many cultures, it's considered the foundation for raising children and providing a stable environment for them.
Legally, the requirements for marriage, including the minimum age, consent, and documentation, vary by country and jurisdiction. Couples typically need to obtain a marriage license and have a ceremony officiated by a recognized authority, such as a religious leader or a civil official.
1. I want to marry a man I love
2. I want ro have kids and babies
3. I want to marry a husband this rich
Most of us forget that marriage oniy work well by SUITABILITY, not love, not babies, not husband or money.
When someone suits, you can plan every other thing else, by enrolling together....
Marriage done on a platform of love will fai. This will happen because once the object that holds the love disappears, the marriage fades.
I love the man because he is handsome....what if the handsomeness disapears
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