ASPD refers to Antisocial Personality Disorder. It's a mental health condition characterized by a pattern of disregard for the rights of others, lack of empathy, and often involvement in behaviors that may harm others.
Here are words proclaimed by the patients:
"I am a diagnosed sociopath. I have no guilt, empathy, or remorse—and I don't understand why that's considered a bad thing".
"Apparently, having empathy makes you a good person automatically. But I disagree. I believe that empaths have very selective empathy, and that it can be used against you in a number of ways".
"I have cognitive empathy; I know exactly what you're going through, and I think that's sufficient. I don't need to take on your emotional burden".
"Post-high school, I'd learned to manipulate in a much more subtle manner, and though I still lacked affective empathy, guilt, remorse, and probably a conscience, I had created a mask to hide my ASPD".
Question: what could be done to return these patients to what we claim to be normalcy?
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