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A "Remote" is a device or mechanism that allows control or operation from a distance, often wirelessly. 

In common usage, it usually refers to a remote control device used to operate electronic devices such as televisions, DVD players, or sound systems from a distance, without needing to directly touch the device being controlled. 

However, "remote" can also refer to anything that enables control or operation from afar, such as remote-controlled vehicles, drones, or even remote-controlled gates or garage doors.

What can we make out of this term? 

Below is list kf 15 products defined by "remote" for to adapt:

1. Television remote control
2. Air conditioner remote control
3. DVD/Blu-ray player remote control
4. Streaming device remote control (e.g., Roku, Apple TV)
5. Sound system remote control
6. Ceiling fan remote control
7. Car key fob with remote control functions
8. Remote-controlled light switches
9. Remote-controlled blinds or shades
10. Remote-controlled fireplace starter
11. Remote-controlled toy car
12. Remote-controlled robot vacuum cleaner
13. Remote-controlled drone
14. Remote-controlled camera gimbal
15. Remote-controlled gate opener

Now, go make one!


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