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In Greek, Gnosis is a kind of knowledge we gain through intellectual activities. That brought to us through our five senses. 
In other words, Gnosis is scientific knowledge.

Medical practitioners use "diagnosis" to refet to the process for identification of a disease or condition by examining the symptoms and other relevant factors. 

This involves a thorough evaluation of a patient's medical history, physical examination, and sometimes, diagnostic tests like blood tests, imaging studies, or biopsies. And it means to explore to know by Gnosis 

The goal of diagnosis is to determine the underlying cause of a patient's symptoms or illness.

Gnosis or scientific knowledge is great in helping us understanding the world, the cosmos and things within. Gnosis is incredibly valuable, but has its limitations:

1. Incomplete Understanding: Gnosis can provide explanations based on current evidence, but our understanding of many phenomena is still evolving, and there may be gaps in our knowledge.

2. Bias and Subjectivity: Scientists can be influenced by personal biases, societal beliefs, or cultural norms, which can affect the interpretation of data and the direction of research.

3. Ethical Constraints: There are ethical limitations on what can be studied or tested. For example, certain experiments may be considered unethical due to potential harm to participants or the environment.

4. Technological Constraints: The tools and technologies available can limit the scope and precision of scientific investigations. Advancements in technology can expand our capabilities but may also introduce new limitations.

5. Complexity of Systems: Many natural phenomena are complex and interconnected, making it challenging to fully understand the underlying mechanisms and predict outcomes accurately.

6. Changing Nature of Knowledge: Scientific knowledge is dynamic and subject to change as new evidence emerges. This means that what is considered true today may be revised or updated in the future.

7. Limits of Observation: Some phenomena are challenging to observe directly, especially at microscopic or cosmic scales, which can limit our ability to study them.

8. Interdisciplinary Nature: Many complex issues require a multidisciplinary approach, and scientific knowledge may be limited by the availability of expertise in various fields.

9. Cannot help understand spiritual things: They are things that happen above physical realms that require spiritual understanding. Gnosis, a knowledge gained by five senses cannot explore such metaphysical realities, such as the behaviour of a witchcraft,, how was a virgin got pregnant and gave birth without sexual intercourse.

Understanding these limitations is important for interpreting scientific findings critically and recognizing the boundaries of current knowledge.


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