Is truth universalistic? This fundamental indeed, prompts critical thinking.
The logical positivists believe in verifiability at the process of inquiry. They hate religious truth-claims. The pneumatologists who study in spirit claim, the natural man cannot understand the things of the spirit (like how Jesus was by a virgin), that they're foolishness to his mind.
During a presidential campaign in 2015, the former president of Nigeria, Buhari made frontal attack on corruption: "If you don't kill corruption, corruption would kill Nigeria". This statement was vehemently opposed during his administration as the country economy went bananas. Voices of critics were loud saying "Nigerian economy was better in the hey days of corruption".
In international interactions, realists claim peaceful negotiation is not necessary with a neighbouring enemy that posses weapons, and readily unleashing unslaughts and assaults.....the liberal democratic peace maker on the other hand see negotiation and peace talk as a way to maintain order and social relations.
In religion, a devotee of the Messiah Jesus Christ believes: if you're not born again, you won't go heaven. The disciples of the Islamic doctrines on other hand believe, jihadism is the ticket to the best place in heaven.
In the political arena, the left leaning critics of the democratic style of political life believe, democracy it's weak and corrupt. But the Democratic enthusiasts see authoritarian regime as inhuman and a display of wickedness.
In the United States, the Republicans believe in tax-cut in order to protect enterprises. But the Democrats on the left see tax as fair share of every citizen: fund that has been used to put infrastructure in communities and upgrade the military to protect citizens and organisations.
In feminism, abortionists claim women's body belong to them: women have the rights to do whatever they wish with their bodies. But the opposing holier-than-thou religions made polemics against the assertion. They believe abortion is a killing of unborn humans, a great sin against God.
In addition, the Roman Catholic believe in the use of holy water to chase evil spirits away. This is non-sense to some Pentecostalists.
Who is actually telling the truth?
I believe Truth exists only in our beliefs and in our minds (if human beings actually has mind or if minds exist at all).
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