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KASAPREKO Introduces Alomo Bitters attuned to Dual-trends in the use of Hot-Drinks plus Herbs.
in the in Hot-Drinks and the use of herbs led KASAPREKO, a Ghanaian
based alcoholic manufacturer, introduces Alomo Bitters.
Alomo Bitters is
a herbal alcoholic product made from carefully chosen tropical plant
extracts and very well known for its proven medicinal values. It has its
roots in the traditional herbal industry that is meticulously
researched by the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine a
World Health Organization affiliate, based at Mampong Akuapem in the
Eastern region of Ghana.
Alomo Bitters – A herbal based drink, is not just any ordinary alcoholic drink. With its origins from Ghana, Alomo Bitters is made from carefully selected tropical plant extracts which forms part of a secret recipe. It’s popular for its aphrodisiac qualities.
To quote a recent article by Euromonitor - “Africa
brings one of the most surprising alcohol growth stories in recent
times. Distilled in Ghana, sales of Alomo Bitters in neighboring Nigeria
have skyrocketed over the last few years. What’s behind the jump? The
drink is said to hold aphrodisiac qualities for men and women. Nigerians
mix the beverage with non-alcoholic beer — sales of that have soared in
the country too. Plans to export the drink to more countries on the
continent are said to be afoot. -Euromonitor’sMalandrankis
says the supposed sexual enhancing properties “hit all the right
buttons in Nigeria.” Watch out for it on local shelves soon.”
Packaged in a 200ml PET, 30ml Sachet and 750ml Glass bottle
Alomo Bitters is developed in conjunction with the Center for
Scientific Research into Plant Medicine in Ghana, an affiliate of the
World Health Organization, Alomo Bitters contains natural components/ingredients which promote/stimulate/enhances vitality and general well being.
Alomo Bitters is also cleanses bowel and relieves body pain, helps ease menstrual pains/cramps in women and contains anti malaria properties
Alomo Bitters is enjoyed all over
the world, it’s vitalizing and best enjoyed straight or mixed with your
favorite juice or soda.
In 2012 Alomo Bitters was awarded a
Super Brand. It has also been identified to be amongst the top 5
emerging brands in the world by CNN money.
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