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Calender inventors lied to us

The Calendar helps us to count days, weeks, months and years. In truth it helps us stay organized because we have chosen to believe and live with and by it.  Calendar made us believe that Today is the first day of this year. But I can't see any evidence of the first. What I am seeing is a mere belief in abstract. The sun, day and night remains the same. 

Benue Governor pardons 12 inmates (prisoners)

Nigeria precisely has been a state where moneybags are lionized while hard workers wail. Top politicians loot billions of money and go free without a strong Institution to punish them. But the Nigerian prison yards are harboured majorly by the poor  that were sentenced by stealing a mere bottle of beverage, mobile phones, biscuits and other insignificant things. On this day, (31st December, 2023) the Governor of the Benue state, Rev. father Hyacinth Alia changed the misfortune of 12 prisoners, by granting them pardon....

7 Trends to watch in 2024

We approaching the end point of the year 2023. We are witnessing intensification of globalization. Unless there is another major global crisis that surpasses the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, globalization dynamics will further intensify. With the ICT revolution still in full swing, we can expect in 2024 going forward, the emergence of new communication devices that are not even imaginable today. Globalization id intensifying digitalization of social relationships. The dark side of this dynamic is the decline of face-to-face interactions and physical contact–two basic human qualities that foster a strong sense of community among people.  Here are  7 trends to observe in the year 2024.  1. The Long Tail Persists : As the global economy has gone on long tai, the future of business remain the selling of less of more, such that micro ggs online would dominate and recieve hits. 2. Marketing with Psychographics will dominate: Marketing that would earn customer loyalty and relationship must

Understanding Semiotics

Semiotics helps us to understand signs and symbols and their interpretation. It explores how meaning is created and communicated through various systems of signs. Semiotics has several concepts including: Signs and Symbols :    - Signs : Elements (or signs) that stand for something else. Hearing a sound of footsteps at midnight around your house......Signs are divided into "signifiers" (the form the sign takes) and "signified" (the concept the sign represents).    - Symbols : Signs with culturally agreed-upon meanings, often arbitrary in their association with the signified. Semiotic Elements:    - Syntagm : The arrangement of signs in a sequence. Example, a banks operate in buildings, offer account opening, fund withdrawal, ATM, loan and payment of utilities.    - Paradigm : The set of alternative signs that could occur at a particular point in a syntagm. A mobile or digital bank operates banking but doesn't require buildings. 3. Semiotic Modalities:   Linguist

Looking up to

"Looking up to" someone refers to admiring or respecting them, often considering them as a role model. It implies seeking inspiration, guidance, or motivation from their qualities, achievements, or character. Looking up to someone can be a source of inspiration and motivation. Is there a specific person you admire or aspire to be like, or listen to? All these aren't what I am talking about. What I am saying is: can your, your organization, your neighborhoodot colleagues depend on you for a specific counsel so they could find ways forward? Can the world look up to you and search for a skill you already have to get a problem solved going forward? It matters when someone looking up to you!

Scent matters

What is in this for innovators? The lesson for innovators is that appealing to the sense of smell can significantly enhance product experiences. Developing products with pleasant scents or incorporating aromas that align with consumer preferences can create a positive and memorable impression. Innovators should recognize the influence of sensory elements, like fragrance, in consumer perception and strive to integrate such features into their products for a more immersive and satisfying user experience. Scent matters. Malizia and other perfumes  great examples.