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When it's had to get

Mobile phone marketers in Nigeria know when it's had to get.  It's entirely obvious that mobile phones are costly given the US dollar exchange rate in the country Nigeria at time of writing this blog post. But they changed the music by offering "Easy buy". Get the phone, pay on installment from your had earned money. Consumers are loyal to this strategy because hard economic time is sincerely hard.

This Higher Diploma in Public Procurement and contract management at Ransford College could modify your skills to do greater work you will be amazed at.

Public procurement is continuing to evolve both conceptually and organizationally. That evolution accelerated during the 1990s as governments at all levels came under increasing pressures to “do more with less.”  Indeed, all governmental entities of rich and poor countries are struggling in the face of unrelenting budget constraints; government downsizing; public demand for increased  transparency in public procurement; and greater concerns about effi ciency, fairness, and equity.  Additionally, public procurement professionals have faced a constantly changing environment typified by rapidly emerging technologies, increasing product choice, environment concerns, and the  complexities of international and regional trading agreements.  Further, policy makers have increasingly used public procurement as a tool to achieve socioeconomic goals. In this environment, public procurement has become much more complex than ever before, and public procurement officials must ...

Label creates belief

If an entity is labeled before someone caughts a sight of it, he quickly believes the frame especially if the features match the usual schema of the entity. Korean version of iphone were think by consumers in the global south market to be genuine, even though they were not the Apple-made. All prices of products displayed online especially Amazon were think to be true. Because consumers never have enough time to haggle further....

The "End of History protagonists" may be witnessing the falsification of their words.

After the collapse of Soviet Communism in 1989, triumphalist voices were loud proclaiming the "end of history"....that all political ideologies have converged, making the western liberal democracy and free-market capitalism the final form of human government and economic life.  But at the wake of this third decade of the 21st century, we are witnessing a sudden change, as new political ideologies crafted by Asian Oligarchs springing up to compete with the western liberalism and domination... However, we are still watching carefully as more of these events unfold and play out.

Marketers need anthropology of everyday life.

If you want to make a great product or serve people the best way, you must be a student of culture, because culture dominates everything we do as human.  You must pay attention to: What people want. What people buy Why they buy  How they buy How they use How they dispose what they have used. Also probe into what they hate too. Participate to observe how they live, what they value, with whom or what they spend their time, and what drive them most. For example,  a Goal Score in a football match gets consumers rejoicing. So a picture, action or words of a bad leader move them to insult the president.

Factors that drive wants

We live in society that all of us never want the same thing. However, what are factors that influence our wants? In this post, let's unpack few of them speaking as we are walking: 1. Dreams : Everyday we dream of getting something done or reaching a certain goal. Those dreams lead us searching or seeking some objects (wants) to achieve or realize them.  A dream of getting marry by December 2025 could have led someone to engage a bank or insurance that offers " About to wed " products. 2. Urgency : urgency creates tension and want. If Kettle is boiling, you won't fold your hands. Urgency creates desperate want. A man in coma creates want for Oxygen. The  Taliban takeover  created want for moving Afghans. 3. Status Roles : Every status possess some roles and expectations. A new student resuming in a campus must want books, tablets or mini Laptop, change in wears and others. A pregnant woman or a soon-to-be-mum wants baby care products. Local farmers in Africa want hoes ...