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The Sumbanese marital morality

The idea marriage among the Sumbanese of Indonesia is for a woman to marry her father's sister's son, for man to marry his mother's brother's daughter. These cousin marriages are arranged by elders and thought to be very important to be left up to individual's choice. This is so because it was it's believe to create alliances between clans which are further reinforced through ceremonies involving in an eleborate exchange of values such as gold, pigs, ivory and horses. This may not a lot of sense to you, but for the Sumbanese, this is simply the right thing to do.

Cultural Assets

Your cultural knowlege of "who" and "what" you know matters. Because they form your cultural assets Who you know and What you know and how you know how to utilize them generates your Economic assets.  This includes your ability  to interact and make friends, know of markets to serve, skills in talking with right words, in right accents about the right things; and reference to books, movies, musics and ultimately the way human do things. Moreso, who you know is social asset too. Who you know plays a stronger role on the course of your lifetime in how much you own too.  This works because politicians recruit majorly, their associates and allies to support them in Administration. However, what is okay for one person may not be so for another. If you want to be an affluent urban intellectual hipster, the cultural assets you need to accumulate must be different, from the person pursing acceptance in a noisy event. 

Never spend your time on useless things

We should learn to think about things that consume a lot of our time. This is important because life on earth is too short to be wasted on useless things. If you are to live 1000 years on earth, it will still pass, and you will die and leave the world. Theological records helps to learn that some people lived 500 years. But we can't find any of them any longer. Don't waste your time on things that has less value or things that don't count. Instead, spend your precious time doing what is valuable to you, and may be of importance to other people you care to serve.

Origin of perspectives

How is human perspectives formed? Our perspectives has a relative bearing between individual experiences and the larger society we live in. How? If you live in Germany, you don't keep water running while brushing teeth. This believe was created of conservation consciousness  Theological history also helps us to understand that if anything happens in Rome be it famine, social havoc or epidemic, Nero could blame it on people converting to believe in Jesus Christ. In sociological theory, Functionalist, Emile Durkheim believes in organismic analogy of society may be because, Durkheim had some experiences in relating with creatures. In the eastern world, Russian and Ukrainians wear thick sweaters to cover their bodies, primarily because of cold. But most of them do so because they see other people wearing them. Developing understanding of diversity and tolerance for people who are different from us is important for our personal, social, and Economic well-being. Because social facts are ...

Concepts are creations of the languages we speak

A man's word is peripheral to his comprehensive of reality. Man's understanding of reality emerges from social use of verbal signs. Words are not vocal labels which have come to attach to things and qualities already given in advance by nature, or ideas already grasped independently by human mind.  On the contrary, languages themselves, collective product of social interaction, supply the essential conceptual framework for human analysis of reality, and simultaneously, the verbal equipment our description of it The concepts we use day in day out are creations of the languages we speak.

Here is how we should think

Everyday we should grow up, even though we are not growing further. Think less about yourself but more about how you can be useful to other people. And if we you have been useful, think further about how you can be MORE USEFUL. See your achievements only on the goals you help someone to reach, the needs of others you have helped to meet, the desires and dreams of people you will support to actualize. You will earn more fulfilment doing just that. 

Must a President possess a university or college degree?

Does a university Education make a better president? It works well for some leaders.  Some people see it a necessity. Others look for constitution amendment to allow a high school certificate holder be enthroned in the office of presidency  Some say over Education has  become a problem. Excessive knowing piles up biases in the mind of some leaders.  Over Education results in over knowledge, of the opponents, of what a leader think it's not good for his believers but beautiful to other persons that adhere to his opposing dogma and worldviewà. Because politics operates by biased-moral values, it's hard to tell whether it's Education that made leaders transform communities or their mindsets about ideal world they choose to construct.