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If you do anyhow, you'll see anyhow

Corruption reigns in the third world like kings. Politicians bribe voters to buy elections. Staff of some Electoral Institutions collect money from top politicians to aid rigging. Things fell apart. Anarchy was losed upon the world. But when the angry crowd (called masses) who had been cheated by the political class decides to fight, instant change happens.

Origin of backwardness in development

Development professionals believe that the origin of backwardness in development are complex and multifaceted, often stemming from historical, economic, social, political, and cultural factors.  These can include colonial legacies, resource exploitation, unequal distribution of wealth, ineffective governance, lack of access to education and healthcare, geographic isolation, and global economic dynamics.  Additionally, conflicts, corruption, environmental degradation, and limited technological advancements can also contribute to development challenges in various regions. What about the decisions leaders make? Why should a state governor spend ($1.76m) much on fencing cemetery?

Lessons from "The Road to Character" by David Brooks

THE ROAD TO CHARACTER BY DAVID BROOKS HAS SOME LESSIONS TO TEACH ✍️ Character is more important than success. Success is fleeting, but character is enduring. A person with good character will be successful in the long run, even if they don't achieve all of their immediate goals. ✍️ Character is developed through struggle. It is easy to be virtuous when everything is going well, but the true test of character comes when faced with adversity. We can develop our character by overcoming challenges and setbacks. ✍️ Character is formed by our relationships. We are shaped by the people we spend time with. If we want to develop good character, we need to surround ourselves with people who are virtuous. ✍️ Humility is the foundation of character. A humble person is aware of their own weaknesses and limitations. They are also open to learning from others. ✍️ Courage is essential for character. Courage is the willingness to do what is right, even when it is difficult. It is also t

Inflationary impact on share value

Inflation can have mixed effects on share values. Generally, during periods of moderate inflation, share values can increase as companies may be able to raise prices and revenue, leading to higher profits.  However, if inflation rises too rapidly, it can erode consumer purchasing power, affect company costs, and potentially lead to higher interest rates, which can negatively impact share values.  The Buhari Nigeria was marked by moderate inflation with a little increase in share values....but as the administration of President Bola Tinubu, dismantled petroleum fuel subsidy in the name of neoliberalism and protection of investments (of the elite classs), inflation ran away, prices of Goods now on rapid climb, and consumer purchasing powers decline, putting share values at slower growth. So, while moderate inflation can sometimes correlate with rising share values, the relationship is not always straightforward and depends on various economic factors.

Is ideal thing possible in an unideal society?

A certain organization is demanding merit in appointment of judges in Court of Appeal in Nigeria. This organizations (seeking the recruitment of the Holier-than-thou) forgot that a someone who grew up and matured in a society that doctor truth can not function as a saint, as his or her mental processes must have been infected by some corrupt ways. How could this dream be actualized in a society were most judges summersault cases, upturn judicial processes, doctor and jettison truths? This is a vain wish!

It's rubbish to you, but fine to them

Some Asians dry centipedes and sell. They must be buyers before the the drying take place. Culture has meaning for those who share in culture of eating a certing food, dressing in a certain way or what we choose to do.

Sports probability

Probability is a measure of the likelihood that an event will occur, expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates impossibility and 1 indicates certainty.  Probability  helps us to quantify uncertainty and make predictions in various fields, including mathematics, statistics, and science. In the last 24hrs approximately this time, Nigerians sat at sports watching centres and in their rooms, shaking their buttocks in ecstasy. Many were agog, happily to the high heavens as they watch the Super Eagle defeated the indomitable Lions of the Cameroun. No one had predicted outcome No one ever thought Nigeria could meet Cameroun in this tournament No prophet ever predicted the match Everything was placed on uncertain probability until they teams met, until they played, and until the Nigerian Super Eagle won. Sports probability was out of this contest!