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Dogs bark because they're dogs

Instinct is an innate, automatic, and unlearned behavior or response that animals, including humans, exhibit in response to specific stimuli.  These behaviors are typically hardwired into an organism's genetics and are essential for survival and reproduction.  Instincts are not learned through experience or taught but are rather a product of evolution, helping organisms adapt to their environments and carry out vital functions such as hunting, mating, and self-preservation. Cattle doesn't drive a car because it doesn't have the instinct neither can they learn it.

Is our reasoning logical or intuitive?

Intuition:Intuition works quickly. It is instinctive, and often subconscious form of understanding or decision-making.  Intuition relies on a "gut feeling" or a sense of knowing without explicit, structured reasoning.Intuition can be influenced by personal experiences, emotions, and subconscious knowledge.  A bus driver refused to ply a macadamized road the previous night because he felt that could help to avoid kidnappers and robbers that often operate at the route, especially at night. Logics, on the other hand, is a structured, rational, and conscious process of reasoning and problem-solving.  Logic follows rules, principles, and a systematic approach to arrive at conclusions based on evidence and premises.Logic is often associated with critical thinking and making decisions based on facts and sound arguments. Putting finger in a fire has same consequence universally, because fire doesn't recognize race, colour or wealth status. It burns. To cap it all, intuition is mo

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking helps us analyze, evaluate, and make reasoned judgments about information, arguments, and situations.  It also enable us to apply logical and systematic thinking to understand complex problems, make informed decisions, and solve issues.  What are some aspects of critical thinking? 1. Analysis is involved : Critical thinkers break down information and ideas into their components to understand them better. They consider the context, evidence, and assumptions behind these elements. 2. Evaluation is needful : Critical thinkers assess the quality and reliability of information and arguments. They question sources, evidence, and reasoning to determine credibility. 3. Problem-Solving also :  Critical thinking is essential for solving problems and making decisions. It helps in identifying possible solutions, weighing their pros and cons, and choosing the most appropriate course of action. 4. It requires Open-Mindedness : Critical thinkers are open to different perspectives an

A coiled attrocious cobra

A coiled atrocious cobra is gentle without but dubious within. An addled brain wag knows that a slight increase in fuel price chases protein from the family menu. A most talented idiot is also aware of political decisions made by cads disguised as the distinguished excellencies. A single policy of a dubiou cobra makes the citizen wallow in abyss of hopelessness 

Professor Jahula and Student Anderson

Anderson a student of political philosophy at the University of Yakahuhu (a  pseudonym) had attended many philosophy classes but could not grasp the conepts. They were below the threshold of his comprehension. For this reason, he decided to visit Professor Jahula in his lone office to ask some few questions. Kindly read the dialogue below for details. Student Anderson: Good afternoon Prof. I believe you are fine fettle. How is your battle for  academic supremacy? Rosy, I posit. Please I have attended many of your classes on political philosophy but find it hard to grasp some concepts. Could you help? Professor Jahula : Good afternoon, Mr. Anderson. I've noticed you seem to be struggling with the concepts we've covered in our Political Philosophy class. Can you tell me what's been particularly challenging for you? Student Anderson : Yes Prof. I appreciate your concern. The truth is, I'm finding it quite difficult to grasp the essence of your teaching. It seems like we

Is social media a problem?

The answer is no. No because: Pastors are using them to preach gospels  Sellers are using them to sell more And entertainers reach out to their audiences the more. And the answer is also yes. Yes because: Criminals are using the social media to commit more crime. So do terrorists enhance their evil connections. Even though as the international system  has not a single Government to, enhanced strict policies are needed to checkmate crimes and other vices on the social media.

Radical Islamism and the Clash of Civilizations

Historically, radical Islamism emerged in the 20th century, influenced by various historical events. The end of colonial rule in many Muslim-majority countries, the Cold War, and the Iranian Revolution in 1979 all played significant roles. Ideologically, radical Islamism draws inspiration from extremist interpretations of Islam and  hatred against western civilizations. This interpretation often rejects secularism and seeks to establish Islamic states governed by strict Sharia law. The concept of violent jihad, or holy war, has been a central component of radical Islamism. Some groups and individuals have used this idea to justify acts of terrorism, as a war against secularism. Influential figures like Sayyid Qutb, an Egyptian Islamist, and later Osama bin Laden, played pivotal roles in promoting radical Islamist ideologies and justifying violence as a means to achieve their goals. The Afghan Jihad against the Soviet Union in the 1980s attracted many radical Islamist fighters and serve