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Comparison Level: Costs and rewards

We use a comparison level as a reference point to assess whether our current situation (relationship or interaction) is better or worse than their expectations. This happens in our minds all the time. Social exchange theorista helps us understand that individuals engage in social interactions and relationships by weighing the costs and rewards associated with those interactions.  Costs are the negative aspects or sacrifices, while rewards are the positive outcomes or benefits. Examples: We invest or not invest. We choose to marry lady A or not We grab a job or decide not to... If outcomes surpass our comparison level, we are more likely to be satisfied.

Doing marketing with a simple step.

Marketing is a broad field that involves various strategies and techniques to promote products, services, or ideas to a target audience. Here's a simplified overview of how marketing works and how you can do it simply: 1. Identify and understand a Target Audience of human or market you have choosen to serve : The first step is to identify and understand the specific group of people (your target audience) who are most likely to be interested in what you're offering. This involves researching their demographics, interests, and needs. 2. Do Market Research : Conduct research through observation to gain insights into your industry, competitors, and current market trends and behaviours. This helps you position your product or service effectively in the minds of the target market. 3. Product/Service Development : Ensure to craft a product or service your that meets the wants and desires of your target audience. It should provide value and help solve a problem for them. 4. Create a Ma

The " I'm" you ought to unlearn

I'm an Italian I'm a republican I'm a white man I'm a rich man These self-stereotyping help you to construct hatreds towards the opposite. A blackman uses white paper tissue to wipe his anus, so the white man develops interest to buy offers on a Black Friday. The republicans hate social welfare devised by the democrats. But when hurricane devastes, social welfare becomes a must-have. Some ethnic or social group affiliated I'm works very well that makes you run out without thinking to explain some behaviours that create unnecessary hatred towards other people you ought to have loved. Whenever you find yourself behaving in stereotypical ways, associated with your subcultures, you simply trot out your ethnic I'm as a justification. A man from a stingy ethnic or social group could say, I'm an/a......I can't help. Some perspectives never do you any justice. Throw them out!

A short story about ambiguity

In a small, quaint town nestled between rolling hills, there existed a peculiar house that had long been a subject of mystery and intrigue. This house, known as the "Whispering Manor," was said to possess an aura of ambiguity that drew people from far and wide to unlock its secrets. The legend began with the house's enigmatic owner, Mr. Theodore Gray. He was a recluse who rarely ventured beyond the wrought iron gates that guarded his property. Rumors swirled that he possessed great wealth, but the source of his riches remained shrouded in ambiguity. Some said he was an eccentric inventor; others believed he was a retired spy. One warm summer evening, a curious traveler named Amelia arrived in town, drawn by the tales of the Whispering Manor. She had heard whispers of a hidden treasure buried within its walls, and her adventurous spirit led her to explore its mysteries. Amelia approached the ornate front door and was surprised when it creaked open without her even touching

How does your mind operates when facing a difficult task or problems?

Problems and challenges bring into our minds, tension.  Human mind typically goes through a series of cognitive processes when faced with a problem: 1. Recognition : First, the mind recognizes that there is a problem or challenge that needs to be addressed. This often involves perceiving and understanding the problem's context. 2. Define the Problem : Next, the mind works to define the problem more precisely. This might involve breaking it down into smaller, more manageable parts and clarifying the goals or desired outcomes. 3. Generate Ideas : Once the problem is well-defined, the mind begins to generate potential solutions or ideas. This often involves creative thinking and brainstorming. 4. Evaluate Options : After generating ideas, the mind assesses and evaluates the potential solutions. It considers factors like feasibility, effectiveness, and consequences. 5. Select a Solution : A decision is made to select the most promising solution from the options considered. This decisio

17 ways to make decision under complex situations

Complex situations refer to events, circumstances, problems, or scenarios that are intricate, multifaceted, and often challenging to understand and address due to the presence of numerous interrelated factors and variables.  These situations typically involve a high degree of uncertainty, ambiguity, and difficulty in making decisions or finding solutions.  Complex situations can be encountered in various domains, including: 1. Business : Dealing with intricate market dynamics, global supply chains, and organizational challenges. 2. Healthcare : Managing complex medical conditions, treatment plans, and healthcare systems. 3. Technology : Developing sophisticated software, hardware, or managing complex IT infrastructure. 4. Environment : Addressing intricate environmental issues like climate change, ecosystem conservation, or pollution control. 5. Politics : Navigating complex political landscapes, international relations, and policy-making. 6. Social Issues : Tackling multifaceted socie