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Turn A Slow Traffic Petrol Station to Motor Park

Most Petrol stations are not well patronised as it suppose to be. Owners grumbled in regret of wrong investment. Here is one alternative way to make money from the platform: Allocate a side of the petrol station to passenger loading park. Make it a way to generate more traffics. After loading passengers, the vehicle owners will decide to buy fuel, from such patronage, traffic increase....!

Try Mobile Money Like Davbol Quick Cash Point.

You have money in your bank accounts. You always noticed zero or little monthly recorded earnings. But you have a browsing phone with Banking apps on it. You also know how to use USSD codes and even internet banking. On top it, you can easily download to use: Quickteller, Firstmonie, Paga, Teasy, Ting and others...You even own a shop where people visit to buy valuable items. Why not transform this experiences in way that will multiply your money?  Mobile money operation will surprise you: your financial growth will be so marvelous in a way that your sitting at one place without hassles, increase your bank accounts. Davbol does marvelous debit and transfer transactions daily. Like Davbol, try mobile money! y 

End of Truth: Tell your Brand Stories Around perception; Overlook the Brand Truth !

Truth is becoming irrelevant. What matters is the way your brand is perceived. This is because people have different perspective when they look and even use an object. They only express what they feel or their experience about the object. For brand to get into consumers' head,  rather than the brand truth,  Marketers should look to what what consumers  may feel using the brand to tell the brand stories.

Find Worldviews for your Brand Strategies

Sweet Spot

How do you create a digital strategy that involves customers in an energized social community?  How do you create an engaged, active “go-to” website?   Prophet's David Aaaker says, You must change the orientation of marketing from selling the offering, the brand, and firm to becoming an active partner with a shared interest program around a customer’s “sweet spot.” A sweet spot reflects customers’ “thinking and doing” time, beliefs and values, activities and passions, possessions or places they treasure. Ideally, it would be a part of, if not central to, their self-identity and lifestyle and reflect a higher-order value proposition, much beyond the benefits provided by the offering. To illustrate, Pampers went beyond diapers by creating the Pampers Village community that provides a “go to” place for all issues relating to babies and child care. Its five sections – pregnancy, newborn, baby, toddler, and preschooler – all have a menu of topics. Its online commu